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Minutes 08/27/2009
Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room

MRC Members in Attendance: Alan Zordan, Isadore Temkin, Mike Clark, Bill Hill and Ed Cook. Others present: Stephen Nocera, Mayoral Aide; Jerry Rollett, City of Torrington Public Works Director; and Bob Prentis, O&G

Minutes of MRC Meeting of July 30, 2009, were approved on a motion by Mr. Zordan seconded by Mr. Cook.

Overview of project construction status –O&G
To Include:
Schedule: Mr. Prentis stated that the project was on schedule with a projected completion date in mid May 2010.
Traffic Building Construction: Mr. Prentis stated that construction of the traffic building would begin during the week of September 14th. He stated that there was a possibility that additional excavation would be required if boulders were encountered during augering operations.  

Planned changes adding to cost – no change
Planned changes reducing costs – no change
Assistance needed from the MRC or Friar Associates – all concerned are responding promptly and supporting the project fully.
Overview of work taking place next two weeks:
Excavation will begin at the Winthrop Street project site, there should be no further interaction involving street cuts at either site, interior work on mechanicals and electrical preparations will continue and concrete work for initial vaults construction will begin.
Update by Friar Associates.
There was no update from Frair Associates due to their absence from the meeting.
Status of office layout reviews with Probate Department and City Clerk Office. – Mr. Clark stated that he had met with Judge Magistrali and Gayle Pellegren and it appeared that Probate would need work stations for three additional personnel when the conversion to a regional Probate Court system occurred. The Judge estimates that the change will be effective in January, 2011.  Mr. Clark discussed the change requirement to Probate’s area with Friar who has already completed a wall change for MRC review and approval. Mr. Clark made a motion that the MRC approve the change; the motion was seconded by Mr. Cook and approved by the membership. Mr. Clark stated that an electrical/IT plan would be developed by Friar next and the package would be sent to O&G for integration into the project. Mr. Clark asked Mr. Zordan to include three additional work stations into the FFE plan. Mr. Zordan stated that he felt that FFE for the new Probate area was not part of the project since it would not be utilized until after renovation completion. FFE was not included with the plan, IT provisions were, however.
Mr. Clark stated that he had also met with the City Clerk and one of his staff to review the layout of his offices for purposes of maximum efficiency. He stated that there were no requests for any major changes to the layout with the exception of four file cabinets. That issue was referred to Friar Associates for resolution.

     Update on status of office furnishings review – Alan Zordan
Mr. Zordan stated that he just received drawings from Friar Associates, and that bid advertising would not occur before the end of September. He expressed complete confidence that there would be sufficient time for processing of the order by the successful bidder.
Mr. Clark suggested that a clarification was needed to better define the classification of additional work being considered by the MRC for City Hall Renovation. He offered that work not previously planned but necessitated by required or elected changes to the original plan were not “reinvestment” additions to the project, but rather NECESSARY additional work to complete a change included with the project.  Examples given were the sidewalks at the Main Street entrance to City Hall. They were now required to be replaced due to excavation made necessary by the change order for sub-floor sewage lines replacement inside the building and from the building to the street. Fountain reconditioning is part of the limestone refurbishing, (cleaning), already scheduled for the front of the building.  Front lighting reconditioning should have been included with the original electrical upgrade, but was missed.  By this definition, Mr. Clark stated that the actual “reinvestment” additions to the project listed in Mr. Cook’s July 30 presentation to the MRC are: landscape improvements to the front grounds of the building, removal of the police antenna, removal of the front iron handrail, historic restoration of the front lighting fixtures, and historic restoration of the murals offered to the City by the Torrington Historic Trust

With this clarification in mind, Mr. Clark read a letter from Mayor Bingham reflecting his agreement to the definition of projection completion and requested that a Taxpayers Savings Allowance, (TSA), be set aside and included with all current and future budget analysis. The TSA amount would be set aside and posted as an “Owner’s Soft Cost” line item, not available for use except for emergency purposes with approval by an MRC quorum. All future savings to Owner’s Soft Cost line items which are realized would be “shared” with the TSA in an amount determined by the MRC, as each savings occurs. Dr. Temkin stated that he didn’t see the need to set aside monies to prevent their being spent. He stated that the MRC had done an exemplary job of safeguarding project funds. Mr. Clark stated that the line item designation was an idea suggested as a management tool which would guarantee a project savings to taxpayers barring a major project setback. A motion was made by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Zordan to establish a Taxpayers Savings Account, (TSA), in the amount of $1,000,000.00 which would not be used in the project except under an emergency, and only with a quorum approval. There was one dissenting vote by Dr. Temkin, and the motion passed on a vote of four pro, one against.

Update on status of specific project enhancements – Ed Cook
Exterior Lighting Fixtures
Historic Murals
Mr. Cook stated that he was still receiving information relating to project enhancements and was not yet able to present meaningful information to the MRC.  He anticipated having more input from resources before the next meeting

Other Business:
Mr. Clark stated that until excavation costs are tabulated for the traffic building that no decision would be reached regarding paving the Traffic area.

Mr. Rollett requested that a security fence be included with the Traffic Building project, and stressed the necessity of having a secured area at that location

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM on a motion by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Clark, and approved by the membership..